Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Alphabet soup

OCD. PTSD. ADD/ADHD. MOUSE. Some days I think my own name ought to be something like THX 1138. (Geeks will get it.)

OCD: Basically, I feel obsessed about certain things, or compelled toward certain actions, or both. For me, it's tidiness and organization. So why is my apartment chaos incarnate? Just look at my mind and my heart: I'm a total mess, paralyzed with pain and anxiety and depression. The worse the untidiness and disorganization, the more it pains me and makes things worse. When I make even one small area clean and tidy, I feel the very muscles in my body relax noticeably. 

I also have an compulsion toward collecting things. That one I've been controlling, until now. I have so many catalogs and magazines I haven't even read yet. Oh, and I collect notebooks and blank journals. When I go through my storage, I will find a large box of them. Mom hated my collection of them, but I stood my ground and would let her make me get rid of the better ones. Collections make me feel stable and rooted and protected.

I think it also is connected to my biting my nails or picking my face when I am anxious. And maybe it's about my problems with certain textures or being unable to tolerate certain dirt on my hands. But that might be a mild sensory problem, as well. I cannot stand for my hands to be sticky — there is a TV ad for a faucet that shows hands in various states of dirty and I cannot watch it. I also cannot stand to touch raw meat and fowl or eggs.

I think my fibromyalgia connects to this issue as well; I feel a need to rub things (right now I'm rubbing my feet back and forth on the carpet) or touch over and over again until oversensitivity develops. I'll scratch my hands or arms (not hard, more of a running of my nails) back and forth, over and over, because it feels good. Until it hurts. Sometimes it will then hurt for a couple of days.

PTSD: This develops from trauma. It can be the trauma of war. It can be the trauma of abuse. It can be from many traumas. Mine could have developed from any of my various large traumas alone; I have had many. Symptoms include hypervigilance, which makes me see things out of the corners of my eyes, hear things, and startle easily. Whee. Also, I am always prepared for the worst-case scenario, so I am never entirely at rest.

ADD/ADHD: I'm mildly this way. I have difficulties focusing. I am easily distracted unless I'm doing something that I love, then I cannot be distracted. I fidget. I have to control myself to keep from interrupting — takes a lot of concentration to do this.

MOUSE: Well, just seemed appropriate.

Basically, I'm easily startled, can't concentrate, have tactile and kinesthetic issues, and go to pieces when my environment isn't tidy and organized, which happens when I go to pieces too much.

Tired of it all. Want to be relaxed. Want a calm, haven of a home. The tactile/kinesthetic thing will never go away, but I can handle it.

I want to get my home put together. Then I want to hire someone to clean it because I haven't actually cleaned since I moved in, over 4 months ago. Disgusting, isn't it?

Laying it all out like this makes me look like a lunatic. This is why this blog isn't associated with my name, although I am sure that anyone who knows me will know who is writing this. It's also why I am not inviting certain people. Because this isn't the worst part of me. Those things will come later. Those things may change your opinion of me forever.

So now the crazy person has a backache and is tired and needs to sleep. Now I've said my ABCs. Tell me what you think of me.


  1. Well, if you crazy then I am too.

    I collect blank journals. I used to collect magazines and catalogs but made myself throw them out. I collect mail in boxes until the stacks overwhelm me - I have no clue why I have weird mail issues, but they are real. I collect books and buy too many. I collect pens. I could open my own Staples store, probably.

    I have ADD and am compulsive about making lists. I check the front door at least twice to make sure it's locked. I have have the overvigilent, easy to startle, super nightmare, nervous personality. I bite and pick at my cuticles. I also pick at my face. If I get really stressed or scared, I count out a rhythm in my head.

    You are lot the only one floating in the alphabet soup.

    I also have a messy house and dream of hiring a maid. I am going to save all my Starbucks money for a while, pack up my clutter, donate my stuff to people who could actually use it, and then hire a cleaning crew for one nice deep cleaning session. That's my goal for the summer.

    So if you are a bad person for having this issues in your life, then I am a bad person too. I also have a PAST and worry about people learning the worst of me. Guess what? Most people have baggage too.

    Does any of that change your opinion of me? Cause I still think you are fabulous. :)

  2. I think I am still your friend. I think not cleaning your house is normal (ah ha ha ha!) because I don't clean mine either... oh wait, I just shot us both in the foot with that one. Okay, moving on.

    I think you are figuring out how to live with the You who was damaged and not taken care of enough and the You who has been through too much and the You who you are now becoming: whole and complete.

    But then, that's just me, and you did ask.
    Now, I'll be reading things in order and you can go wash your hands. Then we'll meet back up here and hire some housekeepers.

  3. Sigh. You are both right. I think I was in a dark place when I wrote some of that (and that was just an hour or so ago!). Sometimes I get so tired of myself.

    I love you both so much for pointing out to me that I'm not crazy. Bona Fide: I check my door a few times (I've left my front door unlocked from now and then, not here, well once, but in my first house one hot evening I even left the back door WIDE OPEN. Yikes.

    I count. When I'm on the toilet I look at the tiles or whatever on the floor and try to make them into patterns I want. I carry on compulsive conversations in my head ... or let songs go on and on. It's never quiet but I think it is necessary so that my brain doesn't get too bored.

    Ok, so you are both my twins it appears. And I am a truly lucky, lucky girl. Thank you very much. I think you are both fabulous, so I have to accept that I'm just fine.

  4. Re what's "crazy"...

    I hoard books, and when I get into a new hobby/interest I have to resist buying everything for it (usually related books, sometimes cooking appliances, definitely music.) I scratch my scalp obsessively. I always have songs in my head. I trace patterns with my feet, in one direction, then the other [right now: a mouth]. I sometimes have certain patterns I work out when I walk. My brain is never quiet, I have NO idea what it means when you're supposed to be meditating and they say "clear your mind." I get up 5 times to pee before I can fall asleep even though I'm barely peeing. I developed a phobia of going up escalators sometime in my 30s. And finally, I've been messy all my life, and I rarely houseclean. (And re Bonafide - when I was doing my MA our apartment became cluttered to an amazing degree.)

    I could go on. The only time any of our manias and obsessions become a problem, I think, is when they hold us back--keep us from holding down a job, or take care of children etc. Like a home that's literally unfit for a child to live in. Or when depression reaches the point that you can't go into work. If I couldn't get to an office that's only reachable by escalator. That's when we seek help, we need to treat. (Which you're doing.)

    Other than that, it's, you know, Everyday Weirdatude.

    I think because I had a relatively happy childhood, when I see these things in myself I don't worry about them. Whereas my husband will see some sort of "odd" behavior in himself and it will make him feel worse about himself. He'll confess it to me and I'm like: Dude half the people I know do that!

    Let's all be nutty together and love ourselves.

  5. Mabel, what amazes me is that you are describing what most people would consider symptoms of a variety of syndromes --- and you don't care! It's about you being happy and comfortable in yourself. Julie is too. BFB? If we can achieve even half of their comfort and happiness with ourselves, we'll probably give up the labels and just accept these things about ourselves.

    And alter, we can trade stories. We all have them.

    We aren't crazy. We are Original.


Please let me know what you think.