Well, I haven't started my therapy homework yet and it's almost bedtime. Is the procrastination due to my discomfort with the coming work, the trauma issues that keep me from doing anything, or just plain simple procrastination, if there is such a thing?
Sometimes I wonder if there is any such thing as plain and simple. But I'll visit simplicity in another post.
Not only do I want to work on my homework in a timely manner, I want to write blog posts as often as possible. Join the "blog every day" club, y'know? Besides, even if I don't get the accountability thing due to not advertising widely (I can't decide if I want to come out even semi-anonymously on too many of the blogs I frequent. There are potential issues there, too. I'll take suggestions and opinions under advisement.)
The weather was quite good today after dark and rain yesterday, and sunshine always raises my mood. I accomplished some work and some study toward other skills I intend to add to my bag of tricks. Of course, doing well today could end up making me hunker down tomorrow; it would be in pattern for me.
I've gotten pretty bad at going to bed at a reasonable time, which in turn causes me to sleep until an unreasonable time. Getting up at 10 or later really messes me up, because I'm not a night person. Even if I stay up too late.
I'm late on my bills, all of the ones I'm responsible for. I'm late looking for a psychiatrist to handle my medications. I'm late booking the last couple of appointments of physical therapy. And it's been two years since my last physical, and two and a half since my last mammogram. Oh yeah, and this year I get to start that whole colonoscopy thing. I think. I'm sure my doctor will let me know. Hooray.
On another topic, completely without segue, I think I have a strong "voice" in my writing, whether it be fiction or non. That, in itself, will probably give me away. Readers, what do you think? Is my voice identifiable? It's not as if I can perceive it. Inside my head, my voice is always the same, unless I've been reading too much of one kind of fiction. I have been known to think in "thee" and "thou," or in Victorian speech patterns.
Well, I think this is enough for the evening. This makes two in a row! ::much whistling and cheering ensues::
Good night.
Good for you for taking this on. I like the blog title- Finding My Own Sun. That's something we all have to do at different points and to different degrees. A good reminder.
ReplyDeleteAnd as far as the colonoscopy goes, it's kind of a blow to the dignity, and the prep is no fun, but the test is really no big deal. It doesn't hurt or anything. The possible consequences of NOT doing the test are far worse than the test itself. One more thing to cow-Betty up and handle!
Anyway, good luck with your new endeavor. I'll be cheering for you from my little corner of the universe!
My own putting off of things I actually WANT to do, but still sort of don't look forward to the DOING of, is the very definition of procrastination.
ReplyDeleteI think maybe you are a tiny bit fearful of getting started, as much as you want the end result. If you did not get to the homework tonight, I'd say perhaps set a specific time tomorrow to just sit down with it, and go. (Like set an alarm or something.)
Although, I'm behind this evening too, so take my assvice for what it's worth.
(Good job, two in a row!)
Becky, thank you. I guess it was in earlier days that the colonoscopy itself was terribly uncomfortable, or else they did get the "feel no pain" chemicals right for my mom and for my grandmother. The last couple of times for them were not so bad. Oh, but the prep! Ugh. OH well, Cowbetty up.
ReplyDeleteJulie, what a great idea, using the alarm! I will do that. I have several things to do, as well as a meeting to go to tonight. (Which means I must do my homework early enough that I'm not all red-eyed for the meeting, in case my homework makes me cry. Bleh.