Saturday, March 19, 2011

Timex Girl

I've decided I'm like a Timex watch: I take a lickin' and keep on tickin'. I may not be happy, but I keep on plodding along, one foot in front of the other.

That said, today was a better day. Maybe it was the sunshine. Maybe it was spending time outside. Maybe it was spending time with a good friend. Maybe all three. But I feel better today. What that will look like tomorrow is anyone's guess.

And I see therapist tomorrow, so I guess I'd better finish at least one small part of the homework!


  1. Have you done the homework yet, Timex Girl? Tick tick. You KNOW you will feel better once it's behind you. (Well, after the initial pain of course.)
    Wow, not very postive tonight am I? (Must have been your turn.) Better get to the e-mail segment of the evening, that's always quite cheery.
    Six. All lined up.

  2. I finished on part of my homework. Not terribly painful, right now. I'm guessing that part will change during therapy tomorrow. Yippee.


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