Sorry, folks, but I just don't have it in me to write a real post tonight. I was feeling better for much of this week, but began to go downhill yesterday and today my anxiety is back. I took half a pill about mid-day when I needed to function, thinking I wouldn't go out because it does make me a little loopy. But then a good friend called and wanted to get together for a little while, and we don't get together much, so I went out, feeling a little loopy. I have a commitment for tomorrow, so I have to function then, but only for a few hours in the middle of the day.
Next week I have some major commitments; I need to be able to function, focus, and drive. Go, me.
In addition, I haven't done my therapy homework yet. Nothing like waiting until the last moment!
We DO all know that there are times when "phoning it it" is needed. You get a pass. Now, go make some tea.