Thursday, June 16, 2011

All About Me

Of course, this blog is all about me. What would be the point, otherwise? This blog is about my return from the darkness of the Abyss. But I think it's grown somewhat stale. Perhaps I need to have more focus, the way I need it in my therapy (and I haven't done my homework yet, but I've had something that has taken me out of the house every day this week, and going outside, right now, tends to use up a lot of energy). I don't have any kind of a routine in place. Anywhere.

Where was I? Stale. While I don't want to shake things up (that would make me nauseated and mess up the serenity I'm so desperate to develop), I do want to develop a schema. Something that would make this blog more a part of my therapy rather than a place to blurp up my latest thoughts and feelings. This blog could be a useful tool; I'm not currently using it as one.

In fact, most of my posts are first and only drafts, requiring few or no revisions. On the one hand, I'm very proud of the writing skills that enable me to create what I consider good posts in an hour, or less. On the other hand, what could these be if I put some more thought and effort into them? I need to make sure I don't make this blog a burden. I have too many burdens right now.

I'll spend some time thinking about this and when I figure out what I want to do, I'll tell you. Until then, I'll continue with these short, 15-minute posts and the long 1-hour posts.


  1. And we shall continue offering our two pennies worth, in hopes that our efforts of support are worthwhile and helpful. Winky face emoticon (but the supportive kind, not the creepy type).

  2. Julie, your support and that of others makes a huge difference to me. I feel your helpfulness and I feel I'm not speaking out to a cold Void. Smily face emoticon

  3. :-) <-- was that creepy?

    I agree with not burdening yourself, but beyond that I just say: :-)


Please let me know what you think.