Thursday, June 9, 2011


Couched is more like it. Today was a day that I spent on the couch. My long list of things to do sat there on the screen looking oh so lonely. I saw it. And I imagined doing the things on it, but that didn't happen.

But I couldn't get up. No shower today. Lunch was a couple of sticks of string cheese. I hope dinner will be healthier: I have PB for a boring sandwich, and I have salad stuff for a very good salad.

I even had a fall-unconscious moment. It wasn't as bad as it was when I was fully on the Haldol, but it was strong enough for me to shut the computer and make myself comfortable on the couch. Then I was out. Only two hours, this time. It has been worse. But naps like this don't leave me refreshed and ready to do stuff. They leave me lethargic and thinking of more naps. I even had two energy drinks before this nap and they had ZERO affect, obviously.

I don't know what the half-life of Haldol is, how long it will take for it to entirely leave my body. And my body is sensitive to drugs, so it could take a while longer than the professionals would say anyway. I just want it gone so I can stop having half a life. I need a lot more time and energy if I'm going to do what I need — and what i want — to do.

Is there like a spell to "dispell" the need for nap-comas?  :)


  1. I know you already have Emergen-C around (we call them Fizzy Lifting drinks, from the old Willy Wonka movie) so I'd say you might want to go that direction. Are you taking any B vitamins? B Complex is your best choice. Since the canned drinks don't seem to help much, let's look in another direction. Ginko, bee pollen/royal jelly, gotu kola, guarna, ginseng, spirulina, anything that's dark green for good measure too.
    Also, citrus oil is up-lifting. Maybe Deb has some suggestions for energy work?


Please let me know what you think.