Saturday, April 2, 2011

Firefox vs. Blogspot

For some reason, when I use Firefox, I cannot post on a blogspot blog, not even my own. A friend has reported the same thing. Are we the only ones having this problem?

In addition, it bothers me that on some blogspot blogs, I am required to sign in before I comment, rather than being able to use the Name/URL option. I presume the author does not want anonymous commenters.

Therefore, I am asking anyone who reads this to let me know what browser they are using, via the poll to the right. Unfortunately, it wants you to log in to comment.

I'm beginning to hate blogspot. Many of the blogs I read are created in Wordpress. Is it difficult to use? Is it difficult to set up?

And if you have read my blog and commented and your comments never showed up, then perhaps you are using Firefox. Because I am not deleting any, and none are going into my spam folder. If your comments were eaten, I apologize for blogspot's behavior. If you have the option, try another browser and see if that helps.

Thank you for your patience.


  1. I can't vote, but then I couldn't vote over at Tawna's either. Blogspot blogs (and polls) don't seem to like me very much.
    I don't know what we use, it appears to be Google, since that's what pops up when I want to look for something (I inherited this computer from Dan and the kids, I just use what's on here).
    Obviously WordPress is super simple, even OCD dyslyxic witches can use it!

  2. I have wordpress and no problems with my firefox, but have to switch to explorer to log in at my YMCA website. Odd.

  3. Well, thank you both for your input. I believe I may need to switch to Wordpress.

    I thank you both for visiting.

  4. I use blogger (blogspot) in firefox, on a mac, and have never had problems. But looking at the forums it seems TONS of people have this issue.

    Some people fixed it by making sure their firefox was set to accept third-party cookies:

    If that doesn't work, you can at least make sure your own sites work, by changing your comments to "pop up" comments windows, which seem to work for everyone.

    As for your poll, it doesn't seem to work, even though I'm signed in. :-( Don't know why, I've used blogger polls before and they worked? It's the universe!!


Please let me know what you think.